My Birthright For Soup is my first eBook, a short collections of stories, essays and prose illustrating our tendency to trade our dreams for comfort and predictability, along with a shot of hope and inspiration to dream big anyway. You can get it free by clicking here.



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Called To Come Alive: Discover Your Unique Design is an engaging eWorkbook, a one-hour journey to recovering your calling, or what makes you come alive.

Called To Come Alive is based on the concept of resonance. Resonance is the state of being or sounding like something else. We use this term when we talk about “being on the same page” as someone else. We feel resonance when we instantly click with a new friend or when we’re on a date. We experience resonance all the time in our lives. Work and relationships like this inspire and energize us. These are key to discovering our calling and unique makeup.

But we also experience the opposite effect in our lives: dissonance. This is when we feel disagreement with someone, or when our work or relationships don’t energize us because they aren’t “on the same sheet of music” as we are. Quickly, our lives become full of drudgery, boredom and obligation.

It’s easy to focus on the work and relationships that drain our lives, but when we can define the actions that revive and energize us, we can concentrate on living those out in every area of our day. We can take control of our lives and intentionally live out what we have to offer the world that is unique to us.

Go through this book by yourself, with a friend or a small group. In an hour or less, the book will empower you to:

  • Discover what you’re already doing in your life that makes you come alive
  • Develop a personal mission statement
  • Define how to live out your design and mission in your everyday life.

This book is free for a limited time for subscribers.

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