Walk and Talk Therapy

Walk and Talk therapy can help you:

  • Process in a new way: Movement during a session can express yourself or integrate healing when discussing difficult issues.

  • Get calm and present: The calming sensory stimulation from walking in nature encourages you stay to present and focused.

  • Improve mind-body connection: The bilateral movements of walking help the left and right hemispheres of the brain communicate better, aiding emotional regulation.

  • Elevate your mood and energy levels: Physical activity like walking or even sitting outdoors promotes both relaxation and improved mood and energy through release of endorphins

  • Enhanced Creativity: Movement and mindfulness can stimulate creativity by reducing stress and increasing focus.


Walk and talk therapy may reduce privacy compared to indoor sessions, but therapists strive to maintain confidentiality. Prior to the session, we will discuss how to maintain confidentiality in a way we are both comfortable with. In addition, session formats are flexible—we can switch between walking and traditional indoor therapy as needed.

Prior to the Walk and Talk session, we will meet in a consultation to discuss your physical comfort and any limitations you have. Locations will be pre-selected and you can choose between paved or traditional trails on my list.

Let’s get outside.

Walk and talk therapy is not necessarily new. For centuries, mentors, guides, philosophers and directors have walked with students and apprentices as a way of actively processing the content of the conversation in nature. In the context of therapy, a walk and talk session combines walking outdoors with your therapist, rather than sitting indoors.

Walk and talk therapy is available to clients in-person, on pre-approved, Manhattan-area trails. An initial consultation is completed to determine your healthcare needs and abilities prior to an outdoor session.

And you can choose from multiple payment options: insurance, HSA, or private pay.

Click below to begin your process.

Walk and Talk Session FAQs

  • Our first session will take place in person at our office located at Healing House or virtually, depending on how you’ve arranged the session. You will complete initial paperwork prior to your appointment.

    During your initial appointment, I will conduct a brief assessment and go over the Walk and Talk liability waiver. At that time, I can answer any additional questions you have, and you will collaboratively develop a treatment plan that may include Walk and Talk sessions if your location and physical abilities/health allow it. You and I will determine the best locations and times for your next appointments.

  • Sessions are typically between 60-75 minutes in length.

  • Walk and Talk sessions are available during my usual clinic hours, and may be arranged outside of clinic time, starting as early as 7:00 a.m. Considerations may also be made for on the weather and daylight.

  • I have a list of paved and unpaved trail options that are safe and open and which I am familiar with. Prior to each session, we will choose from the list to decide where we want to walk.

  • Since I am currently an out-of-network provider for all sessions, insurance requirements do not dictate where we meet or walk. These sessions will be direct pay, similar to other sessions with me. You may choose to purchase session packages to assist with the overall cost.

  • Walk and Talk Therapy is beneficial for most people, but we will need to take your current wellness and mobility limits into consideration. The purpose of our initial session is to collaborate to assess your current fitness and ability level and create a shared plan together. During a Walk and Talk session, you can set the pace and the distance, and I will ensure your safety and comfort in the outdoor environment.

  • Clients are welcome to another person with them as desired or needed during the session with the goal of allowing the session to retain its therapeutic focus. For example, parents may need to bring children to sessions due to scheduling and childcare availability, or a client may decide to bring their partner as it aligns with goals of treatment. If children are present, we will need to ensure the content of the session is appropriate for their age. Pets and support animals are welcome on walks as long as they remain on leash and are able to safely encounter other people and animals on the trails without incident or distraction.

  • In light of the fact that there are not many indoor walking options which would provide adequate confidentiality for you, in the case of inclement weather, we will reschedule the Walk and Talk session and have an in-office or virtual session instead.